Saturday, December 18, 2010

Breath of Life

" If hostile thoughts do not invade the mind
all his other thoughts may swiftly manifest"

Kural 309 Subramaniyaswami, 1999)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Essence of Breath - Introduction

Introduction to the Study

This work was carried out in the hope that it may in tuture benefit the pupils in The Chinese High School doing sports and also in academic areas. This may also help Singapore sports people in high level competitions by knowing what stress is and the knowledge to counter this problem through breathing technique.

In 1995, the author learnt about pranayama and sudarshan kriya breathing techniques from Bangalore, India. Before elaborating further, it would be appropriate to know what these two techiniques are.

Pranayama is a deep breathing practice which opens up our lungs to maximize the absorption of prana (in Sanskrit) or qi (in Chinese) means life force. This technique recharges the cells, keeping us young and energetic with resilient clarity of mind )(Narayan, 2000),

Another unique breathing technique known as the sudarshan kriya was developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, who is the founder of the Art of Living Foundation worldwide. This wonderful technique floods every cells with oxygen and new life. Negative toxins developed in our body, over time, are easily washed away. the effect is immediate and tandgible. It is a completely natural processwhich eliminates anxiety, depression and lethargy and we will feel good about ourselves and our entire life improves.

After learning the two techniques and the benefits, the author decided to apply them for the South East Asian Games. Both techniques took about 30mins to practice per day.

In 1995, the author participated in the 1995 Chiengmei SEA Games. Before the Games, he was practicing breathing techniques- pranayama and sudarshan kriya - daily. He did it either int he morning or at night. By doing the breathing technique, it was found that there was an increase in focus, energy level, discipline and the feeling of fearlessness before and during the competition.

He ran the marathon in 2hr 24min 22sec, a national record time, which enabled him to seek a qualification to run inthe Olympics 1996 (B category). Though he was not selected for it, the author felf that he has reached his objective in life - that is, meeting the qualifying mark for the Olympics.

for the year 2001, the author coached the Chinese High School cross-country team which emerged champions in the under - 14 category and first runner up in the under-17 category. The success of the Chinese High School cross-country team in performing well in the National Schools' Cross Country Championships 2001 can be attributed to specific training done and deep breathing technique practiced.

It is known that in high-level competitions, athletes go through immense stress some days and a day before the race itself. The Chinese High School long distance athletes were given breathing exercises to counter this problem.

Also, scientific studies done recently show that stress can weaken the immune system, intensifying cold and flu symptoms in an individual(Marsland, 2001). A person also has the tendency to overeat (Wardle, 2000). Dr Vgontzas of Pennsylvania State University found that subjects in this study suffered from sleep disorder. Another study conducted on women found that there was a reduced fertility rate and early childbirth because of stress (Glynn, 1999).

University of Zurich and University of California research studies found that during stress cortisol, a hormone, is released. In both studies, it was found that stress can diminish a person's memory and learning.

At present there are studies undertaken on pranayama and sudarshan ( 3-cycle breathing) kriya in relation to hypertension, obesity, HIV, cancer and mental depression (The Art of Living, 1996)

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